Child Protection

In compliance with new regulations for mobile applications with a social component, we are publishing a child safety standards declaration. While our applications do not target children, it appears there are corrupt, evil individuals who use innocent applications in unintended ways to endanger innocent children. PLEASE report any issue or concern for ANY child’s safety to local authorities.

Brawn Design is committed to the safety and well-being of children and, as such, is committed to creating and maintaining child-safe applications. Our commitment to protecting children is based on our duty to ensure children are safe and given the best opportunities to succeed in life. We will always act in the public’s best interests.

Our commitment will be enacted through implementing and monitoring child-safe standards. We all play an essential role in protecting children. Our Child Safe Statement applies to all employees, volunteers, users, and stakeholders, who are all obligated to report any child endangerment.

We will.

    • Support child-friendly digital services and cybersecurity measures to protect systems and platforms utilized, even when children are not our target audience.
    • Utilize available tools and platforms to ensure improvements support the public good.
    • Collaborate with other stakeholders across applications, jurisdictions, and industries to ensure that any individual or group endangering children with our applications is reported and prosecuted.

All allegations and concerns concerning children’s safety will be taken seriously and reported to law enforcement officials. You can report concerns in the application chat or by contacting directly.

You can also contact NCMEC directly:

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678)

If you think a child may be at immediate risk of abuse, call 911 or your local police.